Mix your campaign up with a worldbuilding session
Illustration by Emiel Boven under CC BY 4.0 After playing Exquisite Biome by Caro Asercion , I had the feeling its overall approach to worldbuilding would work very well for all sorts of situations. So I jotted down a more generalised game on the back of an envelope. Soon, I got the chance to apply it. My Mothership players brought back new genetic materials, and they wanted to bioengineer them into solutions for their luxury ship. At the moment, it was being forced to survive indefinitely in deep space, which it wasn't built to do at all. I thought it would be fun to just do a worldbuilding game for a session, in which the players think of how the ship changes over a span of decades, as its crew uses their available means to adapt to deep space survival. It was a great session, so I've written the steps down, with some wording adapted from Microscope by Ben Robbins . We'll set up a big picture , the type of things we will focus on, lenses through which to insp...